Posts tagged horton
Dear Trueman and Horton: here’s where your “exile” theology leads

This notice is by no means limited to the two named in the title, but is for all who have misappropriated the biblical theme of “exile” in order to describe the status of the Christian church in this age. The denial of God’s Law for social ethics entails the denial of it in total, including for personal ethics. It’s only a matter of time, then, before it becomes of question of how far we sell out in denying it. And now we have a case in point:

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The Great Omission

In a previous partial review of Michael Horton’s The Gospel Commission: Recovering God’s Strategy for Making Disciples, I began documenting some of his duplicities in regard to the Lordship of Christ and the meaning of the subject matter of that book. I mentioned how clearly he writes of Christ’s all-encompassing power early in the book, but then spends the rest of the book qualifying it to death. He began:

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