Posts tagged politics
Abolition Bills and Serving Two Masters

What does this teach us? It teaches us that if someone does what they can for good (according to God's Law) with the position or political power available to him, God will judge him according to his actions. God will not judge him or her based on how Godly that government is insofar as that lack of godliness is not dependent on the Christian. God will not judge him or her based on what other people do in that same government. A faithful second in command of all of Egypt is not guilty of the blatant tyranny and idolatry of the government of Egypt. Likewise, a faithful modern State Representative is not guilty of the blatant oppression and idolatry of the US Government. Further, Christians voting for a sold bill of abolition, or voting for a good man, is not "violence" or an endorsement of any kind of injustice. 

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Christianity is the True Politics

“The Church faces this same question again today, and in a way that she has not had to face it since the days of the Roman emperors. Who is Lord: Christ or Caesar? Christ or the modern secular State? There was, and is, no third option, no “third way.” This was, and still is, a political issue. Jesus Christ was victorious in his struggle with the Roman State. He will be victorious in his struggle with the modern secular State. The only question that remains is this: on whose side will you stand? Whom are you for? Whom will you obey? The Lord Jesus Christ or the modern idolatrous secular State?”

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Brothers, we are not partisan cheerleaders.

There is a huge ethical and theological difference between holding our nose and reluctantly voting for an adulterous New York Democrat turned Republican and gleefully championing the cause of the impeached Republican president. I understand and I truly sympathize if some Christians are trying to be practical (though I don’t buy that it is actually practical), but we should be on guard against buying into the statist system so much that we turn into undiscerning fans of amoral politicians. Are we unwilling to call evil evil because some other candidates might be a moderately darker shade of evil?

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