Ben is a Christian worldview writer who holds a BA in Economics and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Biblical studies. He and his beloved wife live and serve to see the Gospel permeate throughout all areas of life.
Articles from ben moore
Protectionism is in clear opposition to the liberty prescribed in God’s law regarding international trade. God allowed His people to trade freely with other nations (Deut 2:2-7), even if they were enemies. Civil rulers were never given the right to interfere with the free enterprise of individuals and their trade agreements. Their role is limited to punishing wrongdoers (Rom 13:4). When people are left to trade freely according to God’s will and design, things go generally well for both parties of a trade. Through free trade, we have seen prosperity reach the most impoverished countries, the spread of Christian culture and ideas, and a restrain on war. Free trade is a blessing and gift from God.
As we approach the 2020 election, many of us who have a strong desire to see Christ’s kingdom flourish and grow have become distraught and discouraged by the political hysteria that runs rampant in our country. So, I thought this would be a good opportunity to celebrate the basic but profound truth that King Jesus is still in charge. Last year I wrote an article entitled The Extent of Christ’s Mediatorial Dominion for troubling seasons such as the one we are in today. I pray this encourages you to keep up the good fight in the midst of increasing opposition to Christ’s Kingdom.
The Lamb will still reign in 2021!
The minimum wage is usually not thought of as a mechanism that oppresses the poor. Taking its intended purpose at face value (i.e. help low-skilled workers earn more income) would lead us to think the exact opposite. But that is exactly what the minimum wage accomplishes. It is a man made law that oppresses the poor by cutting off low-skilled workers from getting an entry-level job. God’s word teaches that all men were endowed with the right to work (Gen 1:28) and receive payment for the labor they do for others (Lev 19:13; Deut 24:15; Matt 10:10; Luke 10:7; 1 Tim 5:18). Any man made law that prohibits two individuals from making a mutual agreement in trading labor for wages is unjust and has negative consequences.
America’s healthcare system as we know it today is a great mess; all because we refuse to follow God’s law which is simple, easy to follow, and not burdensome (Deut 30:11; John 5:3). Mankind saw that society was sick and instead of trusting in God for direction, we turned to the State as the answer to all our medical needs. The result has been harmful--exorbitant prices, restricted access, and lower quality.
Tracking the theme of culture and dominion throughout the biblical narrative strongly indicates that the Great Commission is the Cultural Mandate Reinstated in Christ. The implication then is that Christians are still tasked with building culture, only now it is to be done in a distinctly Christian way for the sake of Christ’s kingdom.
Isaiah 9 contains the phrase, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” You might recognize this passage as the inspiration for the famous musical composition—Handel’s Messiah. The passage is usually read in Christmas services and programs as a reminder that the Messiah's birth was necessary for him to act as mediator between us and God, and that is why the Son was given. While this is certainly true and deserves multiple "AMENS," the passage teaches us so much more than that! Isaiah chapter 9:6-7 teaches the ongoing progression of Christ's government of peace and justice which began during his first advent.
The pastorate/eldership is a non-legislative office. It cannot make laws; only declare Christ’s law which is revealed in his word. Elders do not possess decision-making authority over other people and how they are used by the Holy Spirit in their spiritual gifts they receive from Him. Because Elders have no decision-making authority, they must influence others by teaching the word and by being a godly example to them. The church today is in desperate need of this kind of leader. We need godly examples, not people who are good at barking orders. We need those who can influence and persuade with God’s word, not dictate into existence their own vision. Getting this right is crucial for the health and mission of every local church.